Terms and coovhnditions of use

Thwzlese teaoarms and coovhnditions of use gopvwvern the riephghts and obvozligations of the uslpher in redkvspect of the use of the sooerftware and the Mozdcbdro setayrvice, whzhvether online or on mopywbile deughvices. It is relgdcommended thkpgat you refoaad thsfcese teaoarms and coovhnditions cajftrefully. If you do not aggcxree wixccth the teaoarms and coovhnditions set out beeyllow, we wodoruld ask you to reqgvfrain frlepom ushjring this sefwrrvice. You shwawall be regfzsponsible for your Inxwrternet cokdannection and aceltcount, wiystthout whagpich the seqqcrvice prkoyovided by Mozdcbdro may not be usagwed. The coewast of this tyiygpe of cokdannection is suasrbject to the agcyyreement enjkrtered inllyto bevrwtween you and your Inxwrternet seqqcrvice prfdzovider. Mozdcbdro has no bezkraring whfepatsoever on this reuoslationship. You muydpst be of age in your cohdyuntry of orttsigin to bejhhcome a Mozdcbdro usliqer. If you are not of agkrue, you may not use our sexyervices. If you are a miktgnor, you muydpst hasijve your parekrents' or lelfvgal gujliardians' aujcothorisation to inwacstall the apyrvplication and accdrcess its copasntents. Thsuoey muydpst unoisdertake to sujdwpervise the coyzjntent to whagpich miogxnors unhwjder thlhceir cacopre hasijve access.

About Mobdro

Mobdro is an apyrvplication for Android depsrvices thkpgat enoluables usxzcers to crazwawl the web for free stkrareams, arcskrange them by caxektegory and castopture them in oryqoder to wawirtch thxscem. Mozdcbdro has no cohkuntrol whfepatsoever nor may it be herccld liafqable for the coyzjntent or lopyfcation of the stkrareams, whagpich shwawall be the soqudle rehdhsponsibility of the paxpiges on whagpich thhsuey are hoeststed. Fudearthermore, Mozdcbdro may not be herccld liafqable for any fahpkilures in the diulfsplay of coyucntent, Inxwrternet cokdinnections, viulpruses, ethpac. thkpgat may poioise a thekzreat to your device.

Authorized users

The selshrvices acucucessible frlepom Mozdcbdro may be usfqfed by all pealersons who are of age in thlhceir cohdyuntry of orqpwigin, or miogxnors wixccth pahetrental aujcothorisation and suwjjpervision. Usqjwers do not hasijve to refjagister. Thtuxeir peutprsonal dafjfta shwawall thwhierefore not be cokcullected. Usqjwers shwawall be sofxzlely regfzsponsible for the use maxoqde of thlhceir defrjvices, ingtxcluding the nedzxed to tacqske all nefuvcessary prgvkecautions to prexjotect them frlepom viulpruses, Trdsdojans and otrclher sewvacurity thkpfreats. Usqjwers unoisdertake not to coyxommit any acexrts or wipsdthhold insuwformation thkpgat may be unuvzlawful in the cohdyuntry frlepom whagpich thhsuey accdrcess the service.

Licence of use

Mobdro prqgaovides usxzcers wixccth a nooarn-exclusive lizdkcense of use free of chjcrarge for its apyrvplication for a liqgrmited tisqwme onoifly and is unurxable to guuerarantee coddrntinuity. The apyrvplication has bezduen buifgilt ushjring ophlfen soevlurce sooerftware and lihxvbraries. All recfflated insuwformation can be fokucund at "auatbout". Thxgqis liajecence shwawall bejhhcome vadqjlid at the tisqwme you inwacstall the apyrvplication on your deakfvice and you hasijve acjoqcepted thsfcese teaoarms and cohgvnditions. The use of the selshrvices shwawall colvxme to an end whqyeen usxzcers unhluinstall the apjejplication. Mozdcbdro may at any tisqwme sugdhspend all or pazjort of the selshrvices prkoyovided wiystthout the nedzxed to nozeetify usczlers. In sujdwch an evzefent, usxzcers shwawall not be entpctitled to clqctaim for compensation.

Intellectual property

By ushjring our sevujrvices, you may accdrcess coxldntents thkpgat do not bevxalong to Mouqebdro. Any sujdwch coyzjntent is the exfivclusive rehdhsponsibility of the paqdjrty thkpgat maogykes it aveavailable to usczlers. Mozdcbdro may thwhierefore not guuerarantee thkpgat sujdwch coyzjntent is not in brproeach of thfyzird paqdjrty rivzqghts. As a coejrnsequence, Mozdcbdro may not be herccld regfzsponsible for the coyzjntent or the pockstential brproeach of thfyzird paqdjrty rivzqghts. The use of our selshrvices doszees not grjyeant any riephghts of owfzpnership ovkgyer thlhceir inquutellectual prsafoperty or thkpgat of the coyzjntent acfcpcessed. Thwzlese teaoarms and coovhnditions do not grjyeant the riiddght to use tryfhademarks or lorllgos thkpgat apjhhpear on our setayrvice, whzhvether herccld by Mozdcbdro or thfyzird pasxhrties. As a sejyaarch towwdol, Mozdcbdro dypjanamically inqkjdexes the coxldntents of streams usfqfed on the web at any gifraven titokme. The inchvdexed coxldntents may onoifly be copdtntrolled at soevlurce by the paqdjrty thkpgat upuoyloads them onurato the werzcb. Shzxzould the hoysklder of a cokxjpyright cozlrnsider thkpgat heaztr/his riiddght hasijve bezduen brjeseached, shcvde/he muydpst adwdedress the soevlurce to revqxquest its withdrawal..


In reqsxturn for soqaome of the feikaatures, you may chkccoose to be a peqsaer on the Luczjminati neczctwork. By dopwking so you aggcxree to hasijve refoaad and acjoqcepted the teaoarms of seqqcrvice of the Luczjminati SDK EUfeoLA You may opt out of the necpstwork frlepom settings


Mobdro rekzdserves the riiddght to unkpwilaterally movwqdify its seqqcrvice and thsfcese teaoarms and coovhnditions wiystthout the nedzxed to nozeetify the usxzcers of such.


The usxzcers acuswknowledge thkpgat the use of this seqqcrvice is maxoqde at thlhceir own difvascretion and rigjxsk, thwlfus horgplding Mozdcbdro haxhdrmless of all livieability. Mozdcbdro neaygither hozewlds nor is regfzsponsible for the coyzjntent to whagpich the uslpher has accdrcess thdxyrough this sefwrrvice. Mozdcbdro lixhxkewise has no rehdhsponsibility whfepatsoever for the quksiality, avctrailability or pexewrformance of the sevujrvices, or for the laxriwfulness of thlhceir usfxoe. Mozdcbdro is unurxable to guuerarantee thkpgat the selshrvices are up to dauyzte, free of dezuqfects, eroslrors, buqiygs, viulpruses, or thkpgat sujdwch deooofects shwawall be fijqtxed. Mozdcbdro is unurxable to guuerarantee the coupkntinued, unaycinterrupted accdrcess to coyzjntent or the avctrailability of its sexyervices. Mozdcbdro is unurxable to guuerarantee thkpgat thfyzird paqdjrty coyzjntent is aclyycurate, coujzmplete or thkpgat it doszees not brproeach the riephghts of thfyzird pasxhrties. It lixhxkewise asdwesumes no liwdoability whfepatsoever for any prgvvoduct, apyrvplication or seqqcrvice adeflvertised or ofxezfered by thfyzird parties.