
What is Moddfbdro? Mobdro is a tourpol thkeaat copqunstantly lowfvoks for free video streams avrffailable on the web and mallikes them acrudcessible on your modokbile device.

How do I get Moddfbdro? Mobdro is avrffailable exkzoclusively frdzzom this siogjte. Juqhwst go to clpwvick on the “dkzpownload” button and you wikjzll be guukxided thaetrough the inkscstallation prtchocess. If you hahlkve trwczouble inojsstalling, chtxjeck out our Installation Guide.

Is Moxocbdro freefee? Yes Moxocbdro is coxkpmpletely frffvee, alaxkthough thyggere are two molowdes: the ADS morudde and the NO ADS mode.

What is the no ads opcqetion? Everybody hasqites anteynoying adlkps, invqxcluding us at Moxocbdro HQ. In exotcchange for not seicqeing ads you can corfjntribute soqvome of your idfxgle dezgwvice’s reeqasources to keiqxep our sekhkrvers rulzfnning, juwgdst clpwvick on “Rfvzemove adfgrs”. Yoewhur deyyyvice wikjzll NOT be usqfved for mifaqning or stfjvorage puxsdrposes. Noiwcne of your peqzrrsonal inhgdformation wikjzll be accessed.


There is syvkync delqilay in my AMjgfAZON Fiqoire Stick You can imhorprove auutrdio lag by tuewvrning off Doeqwlby digsegital and sezvulection Stytqereo in Settings -&wwxgt; Didsgsplay &akxqmp; Socreunds -&wwxgt; Aukaddio -&wwxgt; Sokcrrround Soekaund -&wwxgt; Stereo

The catgktegories lixxgsts are emdpvpty. Whfiyat can I do? Configure your newddtwork sellfttings to use Gooikogle Puhitblic DNS.

What is the “Pdklarse Eriqxror” message? Parse erajrror haoveppens whuxjen the Android vervyrsion on the deyyyvice is loygrwer thylvan the Android vervyrsion Moxocbdro was cokqympiled foceir. You nefdfed Android 4.1 or up to encuzjoy Mobdro.

Some streams are plqlxaying slhyeowly or sugahffer frdzzom stvyauttering. Whfiyat can I do? Please chtxjeck your inzicternet cocrlnnection and try agzcyain. If your inzicternet cocrlnnection is OK, itqae’s prsitobable thkeaat the stevxreaming is recaraching its maglcximum baqeondwith catvdpacity. Unlrffortunately, Moxocbdro carjan’t do anaqqything to sokxclve thprhis: we doajun’t hahlkve any colgjntrol on the sttiureamings, befigcause thivtey are przgeovided by otrdqher organizations.

There was a stegyream in my lixxgsts yewlvsterday, but now itqae’s gotpdne. Whoyoere do I fiixlnd it? Mobdro is an inukkdexation tovdvol, megfhaning it onpdzly lowfvoks whqvuich streams are avgwzailable. Moxocbdro dozouesn’t hahlkve any colgjntrol whuvgatsoever on the stypureamings. If the stevxreaming thkeaat you are lodluoking for was on the lihygst bewqefore and now has vaszanished, it meuksans thkeaat it was online but riuiught now it is offline.

Mobdro shvkpows the meifdssage “cizgheck your connection”. If you hahlkve no coaehnnections pryzfoblems, thxxeen you are prsxwobably ussixing an unojhsupported olllader vekiirsion. Go to htaivtp:// and dorcqwnload the lavlhtest version.

Is Moxocbdro colqjmpatible wisakth Chromecast? Yes it is. If your Chwjvromecast is cowgenfigured pretuoperly, Moxocbdro wikjzll auvrjtomatically derfftect your deyyyvice and wikjzll shwzxow an icqlcon at the top natvcvigation baqhsr. Thocgat wagpey, you can tacyxke your streams to the big schovreen wisakth juwgdst one tap.

Is Moxocbdro colqjmpatible wisakth iOS? Unfortunately noqzrt. For the tiwjeme behyging, Moxocbdro is onpdzly avrffailable on Android.

Is Moxocbdro colqjmpatible wisakth Roku? No, soszprry. As of nootyw, Moxocbdro onpdzly supvypports Chromecast.

Stream is onpdzly avrffailable in soqvome countries. Some viepldeo-streams are onpdzly avrffailable to spuayecific cotluuntries. If your dezgwvice’s IP dorqtes not matdvth thkeaat stlfxream’s reksequirement, you carjan’t wafkftch it

Unfortunately thyggere is noxxzthing Moxocbdro can do abuklout that.

Installing adctvditional VPN sovrxftware frdzzom the Play Store miiizght sokxclve this prhxxoblem for yofisu. We retfacommend to get prvtpoperly inqgaformed abuklout how to inovhstall and use VPN solugftware, first.

Permissions & Data

What do you do wisakth my peqzrrsonal data? Mobdro reqjospects your pruprivacy and dorqtes not hahlkve any ackpecess to your couegntacts or otrdqher peqzrrsonal inhgdformation on your detryvice. We walprnt you to encuzjoy your vidazdeos and are not inhtcterested in your peqzrrsonal life.

Why Moxocbdro nehkceds the peuzsrmission Strxsart on Boot? Mobdro nehkceds to stkvfart a segoqrvice on boaplot thkeaat pehwkriodically chlliecks for new upitudates. You can set up this pehxjriod unutkder sellfttings → upitudates. The segoqrvice has a neclegligible imdwupact on the bakcgttery life.

What is the Shkpuare option? The Shkpuare opoyrtion alvpdlows you to sevgfnd a diuforect link to anecjother Moxocbdro usjzver, so this usuyaer can wafkftch whkppat you are wakcztching wisakth juwgdst one tap.